Sunday, December 16, 2012

The difference a hair cut can make!

The proper hair cut can make a world of difference in your curl pattern, the tightness of your curl, and how your hair "hangs". If you have decided to join the Wavy Hair Community on Facebook, you will no doubt see tons of before and after hair cut pics. Deva cuts in particular seem to have the most dramatic effect! If you aren't familiar with Deva cuts, it is a method of cutting curly hair dry, so the stylist can see the factors of curly hair. Such as pattern, shrinkage, and each individual curl. If you are looking to maximize your curl and don't straighten your hair, and provided you can afford these often more expensive cuts, than this cut is definitely worth a try. However, a good wet cut can also provide good results. You have to know what to ask for, though! Usually long layers with NO razoring or thinning. Razoring and thinning can disrupt the curl pattern and lead to frizz or even loss of wave or curl. If you wear your hair straight at times, then I would opt for this cut. It is much more even then a Deva cut when straight.
Wavy and curly hair already have texture. So creating texture with razoring or thinning shears isn't necessary. But you do need to remove some of the weight and bulk so that the waves and curls are allowed to curl! If I am doing a DIY wet cut, I don't hold the layer I am cutting more than approximately 90 - 110 degrees from my head. Usually I cut them holding them perpendicular to the floor. For a DIY Deva cut, I wash and style my hair, but leave it mostly naked (with just a LI conditioner) and snip where I think it needs to be snipped to remove any bulkiness.
To show you the dramatic difference a cut can make, below are some pictures from most recent (DIY Deva) haircut.
Before my cut. 2nd day, slept on mostly naked hair.

After my cut. Waves were springier, and much more full looking while not taking a lot of length off. This was directly after the cut. No refreshing. SO it was still 2nd day, slept on, mostly naked hair!

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